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Helpful Tips

How to use our Courtesy Stickers

How often do you have kids come in, particularly the very young ones, and when you greet them (Hi Johnny) they just walk on by? We start out by teaching kids in class how to look us in the eye and give a polite greeting ("Hi Mr Anderson. How are you today sir?")Then, at the end of class, we call give them forward and give them a "Courtesy" sticker.As instructors and studio owners, we all tell prospects that we teach self confidence, courtesy, etc. This is a concrete way you can demonstrate how you teach those martial arts attributes that...

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Info Call Scripts

We make pads of these scripts and place them by our phones.To make pads, make copies of the sheets (two scripts per page) and cut them in half. Place the sheets into a strong clamp (we use a Black & Decker Workmate) and clamp it up VERY TIGHT! Then apply a white glue such as Elmer's Glue to the top and smooth it over the surface with your finger.Let it dry, then repeat the process. Presto - you have a pad of forms!!I discovered this process some years back when I went to Kinko's to have a pad made. I...

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